Our partners
TELS CARGO prefers to build long-term relationships with its suppliers and partners as sustainable business relationships create an environment where optimization and effective business planning become possible.
At the same time, TELS CARGO complies with a number of business principles setting responsibilities to its employees, business partners and society. We expect the same from our regular suppliers and partners.
We think it is crucial to observe the human rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Global Compact and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We expect our partners to create the working conditions ensuring employees’ safety and health in the workplace as well as preventing occupational hazards.
We expect our partners to comply with the environmental laws of the countries in which they operate..
We expect our partners in their business operations to always:
- act honestly complying with all legal requirements of the countries in which they operate;
- promote antitrust and antidumping policies;
- ensure safety and security of the information acquired as a result of business relations;
- exclude the influence of personal relationships on business decisions made by an employee from a partner company.
TELS CARGO reserves the right, after fulfilling its obligations, to terminate business relations with the suppliers not complying with the principles mentioned above.